Bloggen kommer dock fortfarande gå i mina egna tankar, idéer och inspiration och inte vara fokuserad på min egen butik. Fast ni som följt mig vet att jag redan innan köpte mycket på Village.
Detta året ser jag framemot de nya möjligheterna att kunna ta tiden att ta upp mitt egna inredningsintresse igen och även uttrycka det genom bloggen. Mycket har hänt här hemma under 2012 och det ska bli roligt att få visa er!
Nyårsafton var vi med underbara vänner och hade riktigt roligt. Vi alla tog med en rätt och fyllde ett supergott buffébord. Dukningen hade Karro gjort och den var läcker! Att ta in kvistar, måla de vita och pynta med vitt,blått, silver och julgransbelysning. Enkelt och vackert! På bordet var det dekorerat med stjärnor och genomskinliga värmeljus gjorde att det spreds ett vackert sken i jämförelse med vanliga aluminium värmeljus. Bilder följer nedan.
Nu åter till arbetet och en inte lika rolig inventering, men dock ett måste.
Ses snart igen!
It has been a bit empty with new updates on this blog for the last 1,5 years. Reason to that is different works which has come in the way. I quit the work at the interiordesign warehouse and started an officework at a ITcompany. Officework was nothing for me and I just had to get out and meet people again. So all this led to that I opened my own interiordesign shop, which is franchise, called Village. This is what I purely love to do. Lots of work but 80hrs/w feels like normal 40hrs/w when you have so much fun.
The blog will still contain my own thoughts, ideas and inspiration and not focusing on my shop. But you who has followed me before knows that I used to shop at Village before already.
New Years Eve was spent with lovely friends and we had a wonderful night! All of us brought a dish and filled up a really good buffétable. The table setting was made of Karolina and went in white, silver and blue. Very wintercrisp! She had taken in treetvigs, painted them white and decorated them with some christmasdecorations. Simple and beautiful. The table was also decrated with stars and seethrough tealigths, which made a beautiful light comparing to usual metal tealights. Pics below.
Now back to work and not a very fun inventory, but a must.
See you soon again!
The buffetable - delicious!
The tabelsetting
Seethorough tealights - so much more beautiful!
Happy New Year from me!
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